7 Ways To Make Writing Exciting for Your Child

Whether a kid has a problem putting views into words or spelling those terms rightly, writing challenges can lead to discouragement and frustration. Cases such as difficulty learning differences or disinterest can make children dislike writing. 

However, kids who hate writing could face negative consequences because it is a vital and essential form of communication. While this skill carries many challenges, a child can become reluctant to it. So, it is important to make the writing inspiring rather than boring. 

With online guidance to develop effective writing skills, kids can become practical in putting their thoughts. Additionally, parents should help their children be confident, intelligent, and enjoy their work. Considering some right ways can be a great help which we are suggesting in this article. Hope it will be helpful. 

7 Right Ways To Make Your Kid’s Writing Exciting

Make Reading A Habit

Reading is a skill that can make a child familiar with many words and their use in the sentences. The more the kids will read, the more they will be exposed to new vocabulary and eventually develop effective writing skills. 

Once getting familiar with a lot of new vocabulary, it will become easier for the children to make a transition into effective use. In addition, reading also discloses kids to several ways of utilizing words and forming correct sentence structures. 

It is how reading often can make a positive impact to enhance effective writing skills. 

Connect Children’s Interest

A good step to create effective writing skills is knowing the interest of your children. There might be many kids who enjoy or like book series, animated series, or have their favorite characters like dinosaurs or anyone. 

Ask your children to write about their favorite series or characters. Familiar with the characteristics of each, they can easily express their thoughts. Repeating such activities day by day can help the kids enhance their writing skills. 

Moreover, children need to learn how to form and write a well-structured essay. Take advantage of creative writing class online, by learning the basic features of creative writing.

Make The Writing Fun

Kids’ brains memorize well when there is fun in their learning. So, it will be very helpful to make use of different games such as crossword puzzles and word games. These are the perfect fun activities and ways of improving effective writing skills.

Playing such games will help the kids get knowledgeable about the new and different words. Additionally, “write the word” is a perfect fun activity for young children. In this play, a word which should not be too short is written on a paper. Then using each alphabet of it, a new term is asked to write. 

This entertaining activity can help a kid get to know and learn more new words. Thus, building a strong vocabulary can enhance effective writing skills of children. 

Build A Story Prompt

To make the writing interesting for your children, do it in a fun, enjoyable and unique way. Parents can cut photographs of any characters, places, or things. Afterward, placing them in a glass container, ask a kid to pick one and use it as a prompt for creating a story. This will undoubtedly be an entertaining task. 

Additionally, for creating stories, children need to be knowledgeable about different writing techniques so that what they have in their mind can be portrayed accurately. For instance, for writing short narratives and essays, kids should use a narrative style. While describing the daily activities or poems, a descriptive one is suitable. 

Create The Writing Fancy

For building up effective writing skills, switching it with fancy materials can be very helpful and entertaining. Many colorful pens and pencils and textbooks are available in the market. Making use of these tools can excite a child to write with great enthusiasm. 

So, parents need to make sure their kids have such special and fanciful things with them while writing. In addition, ensure a bright and comfortable environment to sit and write. Have a colorful table and chairs in their workspace so that your child can enjoy writing while sitting on them.

Encourage Writing Daily

To make the writing encouraging, ensure to make it a daily practice. Whether it is composing an essay or penning down the journals, add this to your everyday routine. Eventually, it will be helpful in developing effective writing skills. 

Diary writing is an ideal way to encourage it as a daily routine. Kids should express their hearts out in it by penning down everyday incidents and how they feel each day. Making it a continuity will help a child enhance their talents more effectively. Consequently, it inspires your children to create effective writing skills in a certain way. Besides this, children will get familiarized with various new terms which will be helpful in improving their vocabulary. 

Sometimes, kids start finding daily writing repetitive and boring as practicing the same task everyday loses the interest of an individual. So, before this condition negatively affects your child, parents should let them do anything that they enjoy. Like describing each family member, writing down the topics such as “Favorite teacher, animal, or festival”, etc. 

Doing this will make them more focused by penning down what they wish. Consequently, it will enable the children to take interest in enhancing effective writing skills. 

Make A Writing Workbook

As everyone knows, making the younger kids learn something effectively needs smart work rather than hard work. Create a workbook and write different words on it. Then, ask your child to trace them on another paper. 

In addition, parents can make this a fun way by creating a connect-the-dots activity. A kid needs to outline those dot lines and tell a word formed by joining them. Learning this way will definitely make writing exciting for your children. 


Writing is an essential and useful part of education. While creating effective writing skills needs much time and patience, parents can help the children with the above-mentioned tips.

As all kids learn at their own convenience and way. Writing may not ever be an exciting task for them, but that is alright. With the right guidance, you can make their writing exciting and effective.

Published by Write Edge

Write Edge specialises in English and Writing Classes for Primary and Secondary students. Build the foundation of the English language to help your child be more creative.

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