Follow 5 Tips To Speak Fluent English

Are you struggling to speak fluent English? Don’t worry. Here I have put together 5 tips that make you able to speak proper English. Take a look. Improve your Basics First: Start learning from scratch. You can also take help from English tutors who can equip you with important skills. There are many good tuitionContinue reading “Follow 5 Tips To Speak Fluent English”

6 Benefits of Getting Online Tuition

Online tuition in Singapore can become basic and additional because it assumes a convenient, flexible schedule and the ability to take courses from anywhere at any time of the day. Let’s find out more benefits of online learning here.

Key Things You Need To Know About New PSLE Scoring System

2021 marks the commencement of the new PSLE scoring system. Instead of receiving a T-score, students will be graded based on the Achievement Level (AL) system.

How to tackle Argumentative Essay Writing?

Read this comprehensive guide to know about how to write an argumentative essay articulately yet convincingly.

Importance of Building Good Foundation for the English Language

A strong foundation in the English language is essential for the construction of important core skills like speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Read this comprehensive guide to know more.

How Can Students Improve Their Secondary English Comprehension?

Tips to get a better grasp of Secondary English Comprehension and ‘O’ Level English Comprehension and how to tackle them effectively.

How to Maximise the Benefits of English Creative Writing Classes

Everyone in the class is taught the same material. How can you ensure that you maximise the benefits of attending class and make hay while the sun shines?

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