3 Best Tips To Manage Exam Stress

Whether you are a Primary, secondary, or o-level student with years of experience in giving exams, you will still feel nervous every time your exams start.Taking the stress before an exam can affect your performance negatively.To help out, I have shared here 3 tips that will relieve your stress:- Create Schedule:- If you will createContinue reading “3 Best Tips To Manage Exam Stress”

3 Ways That Can Improve Your Primary Level Child’s English 

Effective Writing techniques and Skills: DAY’S ACTIVITY TURN INTO WRITING: A day is a source of inspiration. The place, people around and conversations can help generate ideas, characters. Even the lyrics of the songs, headlines of newspapers can give story ideas to children. READING TURNS INTO WRITING: Reading gives new ideas to children. When PrimaryContinue reading “3 Ways That Can Improve Your Primary Level Child’s English “

How To Improve English Composition?

Let us guide your child about how to improve English composition?  At Write-Edge we teach students step by step by using a result-oriented teaching approach. In this English enrichment programme, we cover the following components: 1. Providing knowledge of current affairs or real-life situations as a topic can be anything that will appear in theContinue reading “How To Improve English Composition?”

Things You Should Consider While Finding Tuition Centre

Academic success is not easy to achieve. In schools, teachers do not pay more attention to students, they don’t know if anyone is facing difficulty in lessons. The teacher just tries to complete the syllabus. This is why private tuition is in demand nowadays. However, when you are searching for a tuition centre for yourContinue reading “Things You Should Consider While Finding Tuition Centre”

6 Benefits of Getting Online Tuition

Online tuition in Singapore can become basic and additional because it assumes a convenient, flexible schedule and the ability to take courses from anywhere at any time of the day. Let’s find out more benefits of online learning here.

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